Losing weight may be more difficult if you have type 2 diabetes. For people with diabetes, diet plan is an effective way to control blood sugar or reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.
And the reason isn’t just a lack of willpower. Too often, diet plans don’t work for people with diabetes because the metabolism changes associated with blood sugar problems may increase appetite, slow down fat burning, and encourage fat storage.
Here are some simple changes to your diet that will aim to keep your blood sugar within a healthy range.
Limiting sugars
If foods are high in added sugar, they are best avoided. These include soda drinks, cakes, cookies, sweet breads and pastries, ice cream, and so on. Try replacing soda with water, ice cream with yogurt, and look for sugar free options if you do “need” a cake or cookie. However, be careful with sugar free items as these may contain artificial sweeteners which may be detrimental to your health.
Eating small, regular meals
Eating a huge meal puts a lot of stress on your digestive system, and floods your body with an uncontrollable amount of sugar. Eating small meals regularly is much easier for your system to deal with, and may also help to promote weight loss.
Learning about carbohydrates
All carbohydrates are broken down into sugar. For the carbohydrates in cakes and cookies, this is a very fast process and your body is quickly overwhelmed with sugar. For the carbohydrates in whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta, the process is much slower and provides a safer, more regulated release of sugar into your bloodstream. These so called “complex carbohydrates” are a much better form of energy for your body.
Increasing fiber
Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet can decrease the risk of heart disease and help control your blood sugar levels. Foods rich in fiber include fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, legumes such as beans, lentils and peas, and wheat bran. A high fiber breakfast cereal with low fat milk and some fresh fruit is an example of an easy, high fiber meal.
Limiting fat, alcohol and salt
Decreasing the amount of fat in your diet is good for your heart, and will promote weight loss which has been shown to help control diabetes. Decreasing your salt (sodium) intake will have positive effects on your blood pressure. Avoid foods high in both fat and salt, including hotdogs, sausages, bacon, cheese and cakes.
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